Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Prayer Calendar for Exams and Assessments

Semester 1 2007 has ended and it's the dreaded exams again. Amidst fervent praying for yourself during this stressful exam period, do also pray for others who are in the same shoes as you!
Despite that there won't be anymore COSDU sessions to look forward to till the end of the exam period, we hope that the Exam Mass has charged you with sufficient strength to pull through this trying period.
Hang in there! Less than a month left till the end of exams and COSDU's Grad Mass and Function and plenty of fun!
God Bless!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

There is no Place like Home

The final session to wrap up the the first semester of 2007 is aptly themed, "There is no Place like Home." As we approach the winter break, many of us might be making plans to visit our friends and loved one back home.

During the discussion, it also surfaced that some of us would pine for home more acutely when experiencing stress in the face of looming deadlines and mounting assignments. The time of sharing as facilitated by Ming Yin helped us to find solace in the fact that we're not alone in our struggles and in the bitter sweet moments of homesickness.

However, to balance the naval-gazing, we've also been prompted to reflect on how we have and can contributed in making Cosdu "a home a away from home," and "family away from home" especially for others adjusting to a new environment.

To conclude, we ended of with a biblical perspective of "home" and finding our place in God - Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. (John 15:4)

Finally, there is no better way to facilitate a good time of fellowship than with food, especially home cooked local food, prepared unreservedly with lots of tender loving care and served up in a homely ambiance.

Thanks again Ming for opening up your home to us!

Take care as we strive towards the last week of Semester and while Cosdu takes a break from formal gatherings during the exam period and winter break.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cosdu's New Committee

Proudly introducing the 2007-2008 Committee:

2007/2008 Committee 2

President - Ramesh Richards
Vice President - Anstasia Agusto
Secretary - Amanda Johan
Treasurer - Jessica Tan
Sessions Coordinator - Janan Lee
Liturgy Coordinator - Celina Ma
Music Coordinator - Annette Lee
Social Activities Coordinator - Ooi Jian Sheng
Publicity Coordinator - Nicole Tan
Social Justice Coordinator - Lim E Wei

Thanks one and all for participating at the Cosdu AGM on Friday. As the 2006/2007 Committee steps down, the newly elected Committee headed by Ramesh will take the reigns and bring Cosdu to new heights and challenges in the coming year.

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