Thursday, November 09, 2006


Short and sweet this week, but extremely interesting:

  • Reactions to Saddam Hussein's death sentence
  • Statistics on the death penalty world wide
  • Displaced, an exhibition of photographs about the displacement felt and observed by Jaqueline Sherry and Georgina Lampe
  • 10 ways you can reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • A way to reduce your car's impact on the environment

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Last night I decided to watch a short debate on SBS's Dateline between the Greens leader and the parlimentary secretary for environmental issues about the recent reports on global warming.

What was to be a "short debate" turned out to be mind-boggling "He said", "She said", "They said" and I was left feeling incredibly confused about the whole global warming thing. I may not support the government in the way the issue has been handled but pointing accusing fingers about what was said or not said, what was done or not done isn't helping the situation.

So this week on the noticeboard, we've got a simple overview on global warming: The facts on global warming, what the goverment's nuclear power proposal is all about and what we can do about it (it's simple, really).

The article on nuclear power appeared in The Big Issue and is rather long and a bit hard to get through, but I encourage you to try your best and read it because it gives an excellent insight on what nuclear power is all about, the pros and cons and why we should be concerned.

Don't forget too that this Saturday at 1pm is Walk Against Warming and if you're still quite clueless about global warming and the issues surrounding it, this is an excellent and fun way to learn a bit more.

The noticeboard will continue to be updated until the beginning of December before I go back for my long-deserved break and I'll restart once I'm back in the continent.


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